Dabble is on the Apple App Store!

Dabble is officially launched and available on the Apple App Store!

This would not have been possible without the help and support of our volunteer beta testers. Our sincere thanks go out to all of them.

This is just the beginning. We hope to expand Dabble in many directions. What makes up our first word game today will likely become “Dabble Classic” in a Dabble word game collection. A goal close to our hearts is to include social aspects in this collection to allow you to connect and play Dabble with family and friends in real time. Who said word games need to be boring?

Enjoy Dabble in the meantime, and in case you didn’t know, you can play Dabble on your iPhone, iPad and newer Mac computers, all with a single purchase – just download Dabble from the App Store on each device.

We hope you can support us by spreading the word about Dabble among your friends. Game on!






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